In-flight service and deals from British Airways

Enjoy unique offers when flying with British Airlines

In-flight service and deals from British Airways

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British Airways are opening their longest flight from London Heathrow to Santiago de Chile. The flight lasts 14 hours 40 minutes, an hour more than British Airway’s previous longest flight from London to Buenos Aires.
Passengers flying from London Heathrow airport can also enjoy a discount when preordering in-flight meal. In addition, American Airlines offers to passengers with departure in London Heathrow Airport, fully flat beds on all business class flights.
Furthermore, International Airlines Group (IAG) has made a statement about planning to install high-speed in-flight internet on 118 British airways aircrafts on long haul flights.

Therefore, if a passenger wants to enjoy all these sweat deals: delicious in-flight meal, high speed in-flight internet, the passenger can book airline tickets with British Airways on

Author: Yana Sharkevich


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