Private guide's duties

What are the first things that come to your mind when you hear about the duties of a private guide?

You may think about the available license, deep knowledge in history of the tour’s destination, ability to talk fluently, clearly and loudly on few languages and so on. But besides all the things that can be possibly included in the “guide’s duties list” the most important are: preparation for the tour, the excursion itself and responsibility for tourists’ health and lives. Let’s see, why TravelPapa Guides find them the most significant things that every guide should focus his attention on.

  • Preparation for the tour – every guide should have a deep knowledge in the local history, so he should read a lot of literature in order to always be ready to answer any additional question. He has to think out all the details of his routeб taking into account all the stops, available observation platforms, the level of comfort and so on. The guide is the only person that decides in which way his tour will be held: as an illustrative narration, as an exciting quest and so on. It would also be very nice to have a map with all the main sightseeings (or your tour destinations) marked on it. It will help your travelers familiarize themselves with the tour program; it’s especially convenient on the observation/sightseeing tours.
  • Excursion itself – from the moment when a guide has got a new order, he is ought to fulfill the following actions: to set the day and time of the tour and clearly explain his travelers how to reach the defined destination; if he is having a car tour – to think about the car rent in advance in order to avoid the possible problems; to provide his travelers with the best view on every stop they make and to be sure that they will have the access to all the sightseeings they were promised to see; to fill his speech with numerous interesting facts and legends (according to prepared plan) and be ready to answer additional questions.
  • Responsibility for tourists’ health and lives – it’s very important for the guide to make a short instruction for his travelers about the behavior standards of his country, including the specificities of local culture and traditions, the behavior in the sacred buildings, the local dress code and so on. It’s also important to define the ways of behavior in the potentially dangerous places like caves, ancient ruins or mountains and always be ready to provide the first aid.

Author: Anastasia Ciolac


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