5 Easy Steps to Attract More Customers

Every guide wants to make his page look better in order to attract attention of travelers and get more orders, so if you’re wondering how to make your page more popular, too, you just need to follow these 5 easy steps

1. Add your profile photo
Upload a photo, where you or your face will be clearly seen; please, do not upload pictures of any landscapes, animals, buildings or any other things.

2. Fill in all the fields in your “Guide Profile” tab
Indicate your contact information, including your Skype and mobile phone numbers, so that our team had a possibility to always contact you in case of any questions.  Indicate the languages you’re speaking and providing excursions on and your guide experience on the bottom of the page. You may also add the video introduction if you have any and don’t forget to introduce yourself!

3. How should I introduce myself?
Please write a unique introduction of you, your guide experience, excursions that you are providing or any other things connected with your work. You may tell travelers about your hometown, some of your personal qualities, indicate the places you are providing excursions to or just suggest them going on adventure together! It should not contain more than 3000 characters and it’s prohibited to mention any contact information, such as phone numbers, e-mail or any other links, including advertisement.

4. Create your galleries
You need to create at least 1 gallery in order to fully complete your profile. Сlick the “Gallery” tab on the left of your screen and click the “Add album” button. Then write your gallery title and add the necessary photos by dragging them to the specified field or by clicking the field and adding them manually. (Add at least 4 photos per gallery and remember, that their actual size should be at least 400 x 600 pixels or bigger)

5. Add your excursions
In order to fully complete your guide’s profile you need to add at least one excursion that you provide. Click the “add excursion” button in your dashboard and indicate its category, type, duration, describe what’s included in your tour, select the age groups, prices, schedule and so on. You may save it as a draft in order to edit it later or click the “Publish” button in order to save it.

We’d like to mention that your profile won’t be shown on the homepage of TravelPapa Guides if you don’t have at least one excursion created!

Author: Anastasia Ciolac

Source: TravelPapa.com/PrivateTourGuides

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