Precautions To Ensure Passengers' Health

China Airlines is taking safety measures against a new form of H1N1 flu

Due to the appearance of a new form of H1N1 Flu, China Airlines has taken safety measures to ensure the health of its passengers. CAL, along with health authorities in Taiwan, is monitoring the issue closely and will take appropriate actions when required.

Check-in and Pre-boarding:
CAL's airport staff will be on the lookout for symptoms of irregular health, and passengers who are ill may require medical approval prior to boarding.

During the Flight:
Cabin attendants will provide assistance and may place unwell passengers in a safe area to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers during the flight.

In addition, at all worldwide stations, CAL will place extra emphasis on cabin cleaning and disinfection for all departing and arriving flights. As always, the High Efficiency Particulate Air Systems aboard all CAL aircraft will provide clean and circulated air during flights, helping to guard against dirt and viruses, and helping to maintain the health of all passengers.

Source: China Airlines

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