Non-stop flights from London to USA!

Good news for passengers who travel from London to San Francisco/Los Angeles and vice versa.

Good news for flight passengers who fly from London to San Francisco/Los Angeles and vice versa. If you are flying with United Airlines than you will be happy to find that airline company is going to provide a second daily flights for these destinations.

The flights from London to San Francisco and return flight from San Francisco to London will begin transporting their passengers October 30th, 2016. The second daily flight from Heathrow to San Francisco will depart at 11:40 daily, and arrive at 15:40 the same day. The departure from San Francisco will be at 16:15, landing at 09:40 the next day in London Heathrow.

United Airlines are providing Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner aircraft for this flight. The plane has 219 seats on board, 36 of them are flat-bed in Business class and 183 are in Economy class, where 70 seats are Economy Plus seats with more legroom and personal space.

Another new flight that United Airlines are introducing is a non-stop direct flight from London to Los Angeles, it will be going in summer 2017, thus passengers will be able to book airline tickets for this new daily flight.This flight will depart at at 11:40 daily, landing in Los Angeles at 05:20 the same day. The departure for return flight will be at 15:10, arriving in London Heathrow at 09:40 the next day.

United Airlines are providing Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft for this flight. The plane has 252 seats onboard, 48 of them are flat-beds in Business class and 204 in Economy class, where 88 seats will be Economy Plus seats.

Passengers may enjoy these convenient flight routes by book airline tickets online on

Author: Yana Sharkevich


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