Historic Cross Canada Flight Group Takes to the Skies Again

On the morning of July 12th 2010 aircraft from across Canada will start their engines to begin another epic aviation pilgrimage… this time to the Yukon.

The flight will originate in two locations with half of the more than 120 planes joining a group launching from Barrie, Ontario. The remainder will depart from Quesnel, BC. Major stopovers along the route include Thunder Bay, Brandon, Wetaskawin, Fort Nelson, and Watson Lake with refueling stops at more than a dozen other airports.

The 13-day tour, which includes 6 days in the Yukon, is being organized by pilot and TV Producer John Lovelace who organized the largest mass flight of aircraft in Canada in July 2009. 

"As soon as the Cross Canada Century Flight ended last year everyone said 'We have to do this again next year'" said Lovelace. "So we formed the Century Flight Club which already has over 300 members. The group's sole purpose is to organizing annual flights celebrating Canada and Canadian aviation."

The Yukon was selected for the flight because of its rich aviation heritage and its wilderness beauty. "When we announced the Yukon flight we filled the 120 registrations we were offering almost immediately," added Lovelace 

There will be over 40 different types of aircraft including just about every type of private aircraft flying today. When all 120 aircraft are parked they would create a line more than one kilometer in length.

The flight will be featured on two television series': "The Aviators" which will be broadcast in Canada on the Global Television Network and on Public Broadcasting in the United States, and "West Coast Escapes" broadcast on CHEK-TV as well as Public Broadcasting.

Source: Airline News Resource / Nevistas

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